Enhancing learning with advanced Technologies


The University of Nigeria, Enugu campus, like several other universities in the country today, is faced with the challenge of producing highly skilled graduate students who can stand up to the competition overseas. The university needed a means of enhancing students learning beyond what is attainable with their current budget, facilities and labouratories.


KSmart Solutions offered a solution to the University in proposing a Virtual Reality learning system. Virtual Reality has taken the world by storm these past years and have proven to be of huge benefit to learning. It allows for easy access and interaction with virtual objects or items which may not be possible to access due to size, cost, risk or complexity. Through virtual reality technology, Medical students are able to perform a surgery, analyse and study body organs in detail as well as perform dissections. We provided samples of the The Virtual reality system which comprises of a VR headset and associated medical VR software we developed in association with our partners overseas – Cleveland Clinic Medical School and Mayo Clinic Medical School. We are currently working with the University of provide hundreds of these VR system to equip their advanced next generation medical lab.

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